Friday, September 3, 2010

Catching Up

It has come to my attention that I actually have a few people who read this blog, and while in theory I shouldn't care if anyone is reading or not because it is jsut a spot for me to vent, it really really makes me feel good when people do read and can relate. It makes all of the things I deal with seem to have some small purpose.  So feeling renewed in my purpose in beginning this blog here are some of the latest goings on in my life.

At the suggestion of my Bishop(church leader) I went back to the doctor to readdress the issue of balancing my mind with the help of medication. After 45 minutes the doctor decided(saying all the while that she wasn't really qualified to make this diagnosis- unsettling much?) that she thinks I am dealing with borderline bipolar and now I am taking Lithium, a mood stabalizer. We will see how that goes.
Personally I think that it is more my hormones than my mind but time will tell I guess.

We had a lot of long discussions and decided that Little Brother could stay with us. He has actually become really helpful in the last few weeks. He has dug trenches, helped Husband tile my dining room and he washes the dishes.  It is still an adjustment but I think things are going to be ok.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. S.

    I'm glad things are going well for you. Though I cannot relate to most of your struggles, I feel a certain hope for all of us that struggle in some emotional sense as I read your posts, even the not too happy ones. I'm glad things are going well with Husband and Little Brother and that good adjustments are being made in your life and that things are looking up. Best wishes always.
